Friday, January 18, 2013

Karrine Steffans Claims She Slept With Drake


Karrine 'Superhead' Steffans is claiming that she slept with Drake while pregnant with Lil Wayne's baby. The whole time she was married to someone else at the time.
Here's an exerpt of what she wrote in her new book:
I walked into his tour bus, determined to leave him. I’d found out about the baby.
His baby.
Sickened, I fell into his arms, tears streaming down my face and onto his shirt.
I needed him, still.
But I couldn’t stay and watch him give someone else everything I wanted. He kissed me and ran his hand under my skirt.
He told me he loved me.
I told him I loved him but it was over.
Then, I turned and ran off the bus and into the arms of one of the closest people to him.
And he would never forgive me.

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